Exploratory Data Analysis Methods for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): A Comprehensive Review of Software Programs Used in Research
Functional MRI, Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Brain Imaging, Brain Mapping, Neuroimaging Analysis Software, Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM)Abstract
This extensive and thorough review aims to systematically outline, clarify, and examine the numerous exploratory data analysis techniques that are employed in the intriguing and rapidly advancing domain of functional MRI research. We will particularly focus on the wide array of software applications that are instrumental in facilitating and improving these complex and often nuanced analyses. Throughout this discourse, we will meticulously assess the various strengths and limitations associated with each analytical tool, offering invaluable insights relevant to their application and overall efficacy across diverse research contexts and environments. Our aim is to create a comprehensive understanding of how these tools can be best utilized to enhance research outcomes. Through this analysis, we aspire to equip researchers with critical knowledge and essential information that could profoundly influence their methodological selections in upcoming studies. By carefully considering these factors, we hope to contribute positively to the ongoing progression of this important field of inquiry, fostering innovation and enhancing the impact of future research findings in functional MRI studies.
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