Proposing a Smart Performance Management System for Production Workshop Based on Virtual Organizational Deoxyribonucleic Acid Concept
Organizational Performance, Organizational Virtual DNA, Performance Management System, Dashboard, Decision-Making Tool, Business ProcessAbstract
This research aims to develop and validate a smart PMS. The PMS will create a foundation for PMSs that will be used by organizations in the digital era. A three-step methodology was used in the current research. First, the archival literature analysis was used to identify the features and elements of the robust PMSs. Second, a generic PMS was constructed based on the results of the first step. Third, the generic PMS was amended, implemented in the workshop, and validated by discussing the results with a focus group of experts. The academic and technical contribution can be seen in proposing a generic Virtual Organizational Deoxyribonucleic Acid (V-DNA) concept and smart PMS (Performance Management Dashboard (PMD) and Decision-Making Tool (DMT)) based on the features and elements of the robust PMSs. The generic V-DNA and PMS were amended and implemented in the stated workshop. Then, the validation process was done by presenting the implementation results to a focus group of academic experts and taking their feedback. Applying the PMD and the DMT to monitor, analyze, and manage workshop performance was successful. The PMD proved a useful tool that can provide a holistic view of the workshop performance areas instead of focusing on isolated business aspects such as workshop productivity or efficiency. The decision-makers directly identified the low-performing and highly performing KPIs/processes/sub-processes and identified the root causes of low and high performance. The DMT proved a useful tool. The decision-makers could evaluate all sub-processes and rank them based on the values and weights of the decision-making criteria, highlighting the areas that need improvement. The originality and novelty of the proposed PMS and the V-DNA were proved through a systematic literature review process. The implications of the research can be seen in the possibility of testing the generic V-DNA and the PMS templates in organizations of different sizes and sectors to check their applicability. Moreover, other layers of the organizational V-DNA can be proposed. The current research assists the practitioners and managers in constructing the PMSs they need for their workshops/factories/companies.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Alaa M. Ubaid, Fikri T. Dweiri

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