A Portable Non-Invasive System for Detecting Blood Glucose Levels Using a Laser-Based Sensor


  • Fatima Ibrahim Department of Biomedical Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Zaid Mustafa Department of Biomedical Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Ahmed Lateef Department of Biomedical Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq.




Blood glucose, Invasive Technique, Non-invasive Technique, Red laser


Diabetes is a long-term medical condition that impacts the way your body converts food into energy, it has the potential to lead to several severe health complications, such as heart disease, stroke, vision impairment, kidney issues, and nerve damage. Nevertheless, individuals with diabetes can lead extended and healthy lives with effective management. The goal of diabetes treatment is to keep your blood sugar levels within a healthy range. So Glucose measurement is an important part of diabetes management. It allows people with diabetes to track their blood sugar levels and make adjustments to their diet and medication as needed. Morning fasting blood glucose typically falls within the range of (70 mg/dL) to (110 mg/dL), while after a meal, blood glucose levels should ideally be below (140 mg/dL). In this proposed work an Arduino-based noninvasive glucose measurement device is proposed. Non-invasive glucose measurement devices do not require the user to prick their finger to draw blood. A Red Laser (RL) technique, is employed, this method surpasses the other invasive approach and non-invasive methods in terms of superiority. Since invasive techniques can be painful and expensive. This paper describes a new way to measure blood sugar levels without having to prick your finger. The method uses a red laser to shine light through the skin and measure how much the light is bent. The amount of bending tells the device how much sugar is in the blood. Numerous tests and experimental outcomes have been produced to demonstrate the exceptional accuracy of the proposed method.


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How to Cite

F. Ibrahim, Z. Mustafa, and A. Lateef, “A Portable Non-Invasive System for Detecting Blood Glucose Levels Using a Laser-Based Sensor”, NJES, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 19–24, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.29194/NJES.27010019.

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