Toward Seven-Band Coherent WDM System Covering T to U Bands: Predictions of Transmission and BER Performance


  • Arwa A. Moosa Department of Networks Engineering, College of Engineering, Al- Iraqia University Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Raad Sami Fyath Department of Computer Engineering College of Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq.



Seven-band WDM, UWB-WDM, Enhanced Gaussian noise model, Optical communication bands


This paper discusses the development of a seven-band coherent wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) system covering the T to U systems, aiming to enhance the capacity and system efficiency. Seven multiband systems (C+L, S+C+L, S+C+L+U, E+S+C+L, E+S+C+L+U, O+E+S+C+L+U, and T+O+E+S+C+L+U) are designed with 40 GBaud symbol rate, 50 GHz channel spacing, and dual-polarization (DP)-16QAM signaling. The analysis adopted the enhanced Gaussian noise model, considering the amplified spontaneous emission of inline optical amplifiers and nonlinear interference (NLI) from fiber nonlinear optics, including Kerr effect and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) which it implemented using Matlab (Ver. 2020b) program. The results show that the optimal powers are -4, -5, -5, -4.5, -3.5, -6, and -4.5 dBm for the seven WDM systems, respectively. Further, with a fiber span length of 100 km, the C+L system has the longest transmission reach of 20 span. However, using S+C+L+U system gives the highest bit rate-distance product of 1619 The O+E+S+C+L+U and T+O+E+S+C+L+U systems are designed with 50 km-span length to reduce the effect of NLI caused by the large numbers of channels (1060 and 1200, respectively).


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How to Cite

A. A. Moosa and R. S. Fyath, “Toward Seven-Band Coherent WDM System Covering T to U Bands: Predictions of Transmission and BER Performance”, NJES, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 61–77, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.29194/NJES.27010061.

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