The Objective Attitude in Architectural Academic Local Research


  • Dr.Suha Hassan AL_Dahwi Architectural Engineering Departement
  • Nawfal Joseph Rizco Architectural Engineering Departement


Objectivism is viewed as a concept adherent to the theoretical Frameworks or to the research abstracts achieved within the academic limits and owing to the fact that the research in Architecture is conclusive in general and its academic aspect in particular of topics that fall within the scopes of natural and human sciences that have different methodological research . The dilemma of the obscurity of the objective nature of the formulated theoretical Frameworks arose to this connection , for objectivism as a concept differs according to the intellectual stances adopted by researchers or in other words according to the logic adopted by those researchers in realizing their accomplish researches ( formulating their theoretical Frameworks ). From this point the research dilemma arose and substantiated by the obscurity of the relationship between objectivism as a concept adherent to the researches or to the academic theoretical Frameworks (research resultants) adherent to the ideological stances adopted by those researchers. Consequently, need aroused to a definition of concept of objectivism and its relationship to researchers' ideological, intellectual stances , hence this research endeavored to demonstrate what is meant by objectivism in its attitudes, indicators , different levels and the foundation upon which each attitude relies and then to revise the ideological characteristics of Research in architecture in general in order to conclude its stance respective to the objective attitudes' characteristics as based on previous studies and surveys that tackled the research of architecture in general. Due to few reference available which approach the topic of objectivism in research realized in Architecture specialty within the academic and local limits in particular; researcher launched on concluding the ideological characteristics that differentiate the Research in Architecture by superposing or matching them with the ideological characteristics that distinguish the objective attitude in particular in research abstracts or researches accomplish in Architecture, especially in Architectural subjects that falling within the scope of ( what is ought to be) a large part of which affiliates to human science field in an introduction to verifying the realization of those characteristics in a number of research samples relevant to local academic architectural Researches,i.e.( Ph.D. Theses researches ). Among research resultants was the conclusion of a group of ideological characteristics that can identify the objective features of local academic architectural research and state that there is some kind of multiplicity of objective attitudes adopted by researchers according to their intellectual stances within the same research as it became evident and identical from the conclusions that the objective attitude features of one research is related to the researcher intellectual stance.


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